Sunday 26 October 2014

The Brief

My Unit 3 topic in A Level Art was Biomorphic Forms. Biomorphism is really artwork on naturally occurring patterns or shapes related to nature & living organisms. I realised that my work for this unit could go in such a vast amount of directions; from looking at floral shapes or into microscopic images of cells etc. By dissecting fruits, flowers or other plants I'd be able to see internal shapes or the forms - this would be more exiting as these shapes would have seen less than external ones. Images of these dissections may seem like scientific diagrams and I liked the idea of turning science into art by adding creativity. Again, biologists will have made studies of cells and transforming these into visual works could lead to some powerful outcomes. No matter what I look into in this project, I believe there will be a heavy focus on looking at marks/lines and vivid colours in the biomorphic forms. 
In my mind I wanted to create more abstract works rather that accurate drawings of nature as this would be much more interesting. Further research into Biomorphic Forms showed how many fashion designers and architects have used nature's influence on their creations. I could explore fabric outcomes and sculptures in response to this. I intend to focus on the patterns aspect of the unit, I enjoyed transforming drawings into repeat patterns in previous project and often this was done digitally.  I liked how a simple image's scale could be hugely increased and how new shapes were formed.