Sunday 1 February 2015

Merging Inspirations

Next I thought I could merge the drawing style of Crystal Wagner with the ink illustrations of Melissa Bolger and Chad Wasser. I could work with the ink splat so that the drawing connected and related to it like I'd done with the previous artists. As this was my first attempt at this illustration technique, I am really pleased with the drawing. I think the contrast between the strange patterns I'd drawn in fine liner contrast very effectively with the vivid ink colours.

I next carried on to create and another work by splatting ink onto the page before going over it in that Crystal Wagner inspired style. This time, however, I work to a large scale. I also added the drawing styles of other artists I had researched, Melissa Bolger's abstractly formed shapes and Laura Bell's dripping circles. I think that Bolger's style worked effectively with Wagner's but Laura Bell's dripping effect did not seem to fit in with this illustration, it seemed to work better with inks and also I didn't feel so confident in drawing that way. I added some extra layers to this work to give it a 3D effect.

Overall, this combination of vibrant ink spats with line drawings was something I felt held a lot of potential development and it was something I wanted to work on in this project. Melissa Bolger stated that her in her works, the bright inks represents a disease effecting the drawing which is why in places, the inks seems on top of the pen work. I liked this idea and it seemed to me that this style of illustration could relate to diseases and viruses.

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